Lviv [Львів]
Lwów jest największym miastem zachodniej Ukrainy i stolicą obwodu lwowskiego, leży na Wyżynie Podolskiej. Liczne cenne obiekty zabytkowe spowodowały wpisanie tego miasta na listę światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO. Liczy 766 tys. mieszkańców(2010), z których sporą część stanowią Polacy. Lwów był jednym z miast gospodarzy Euro 2012.

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Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Lviv [Львів] (Ukraina) - ticket abverse.
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