Stołeczne Królewskie Miasto Kraków jest drugim co do wielkości miastem w Polsce, liczącym 781 tys. mieszkańców (2021). Jedno z najstarszych miast kraju, o nieocenionych walorach kulturalnych. Krakowskie Stare Miasto znalazło się w 1978 roku na pierwszej liście światowego dziedzictwa kultury UNESCO! (wtedy lista liczyła zaledwie 12 miejsc). W przeszłości stolica państwa i siedziba królów. W Krakowie działa 9. pod względem funkcjonalności komunikacja miejska na świecie (ranking 2008 r.). Miejsce naszego zamieszkania.

źródło zdjęcia:

Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana3.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana1.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana1.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. ciemnozielony numerator Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana1.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0blad.png alt="błąd"> jasnoniebieskie "N" Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png><IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana3.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana1.png><IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png><IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana3.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana1.png><IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png><IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana3.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana1.png><IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png><IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana3.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana1.png><IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana3.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. inny kolor numeru seryjnego i biletu Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana1.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana1.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana1.png><IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana1.png><IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png><IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana3.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana1.png><IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana1.png><IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png><IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana3.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana1.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana1.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. ciemnozielony numerator Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. fajny numer xD Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana1.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana1.png><IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana3.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana1.png><IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png><IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana3.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana1.png><IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana1.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana1.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana1.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana1.png><IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png><IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana3.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana1.png><IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana3.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana1.png><IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana3.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana1.png><IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana1.png><IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png><IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana3.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana1.png><IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana3.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0blad.png alt="błąd">nadrukowany adres ul. Klasztorna Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana1.png><IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana1.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana1.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana1.png><IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana1.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana1.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0blad.png alt="błąd">nadrukowany adres ul. Klasztorna Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana1.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana1.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana1.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana1.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0blad.png alt="błąd">: wyjątkowo krzywo wycięty bilet Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana1.png><IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png><IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana3.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana1.png><IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_przebitka.png alt="przebitka"> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. ulgowy gminny!
<IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. na rewersie napis "validate your..."
<IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png><IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana3.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. na rewersie napis "cancel your..." Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_przebitka.png alt="przebitka"> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_przebitka.png alt="przebitka"> Communication of the city: Kraków (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0blad.png alt="błąd">: w tle powinien być Barbakan! Wydano również prawidłową wersję z Barbakanem, niestety nie posiadamy jej w kolekcji.
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