Tworząc link do miasta Dublin, jesteśmy zmuszeni do kilku słów wyjaśnienia. Przyjmując na naszej stronie system pisowni miast w językach narodowych, powinniśmy zachować konsekwencje i stosować go w każdym przypadku. A zatem link do miasta Dublin powinien być zapisany w języku irlandzkim i brzmieć Baile Átha Cliath. Pojawia się pytanie, dlaczego tak nie zrobiliśmy? Musicie przyznać że link "Baile Átha Cliath" brzmi bardzo tajemniczo i tylko nielicznym kojarzy się z Dublinem, stolicą Irlandii. W związku z tym postanowiliśmy skorzystać z drugiego języka urzędowego irlandzkiego kraju - języka angielskiego, nie łamiąc jednocześnie narzuconych, przez nas samych, reguł nazewnictwa. Stąd miasto Baile Átha Cliath zapisujemy jako dobrze wszystkim znany Dublin.
Stolica Irlandii liczy 505tys. mieszkańców. (2006)

źródło zdjęcia: http://pl.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Plik:Coat_of_arms_of_Dublin.png&filetimestamp=20080807204530

country: Irlandia
city: Dublin
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket abverse  
country: Irlandia
city: Dublin
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket abverse  
country: Irlandia
city: Dublin
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket abverse  
country: Irlandia
city: Dublin
collections:Piotrek Paweł Arek
Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket abverse  
country: Irlandia
city: Dublin
collections:Piotrek Paweł
Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket abverse  
country: Irlandia
city: Dublin
remarks: bloczek na 10 biletów
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket abverse  
country: Irlandia
city: Dublin
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket abverse  
country: Irlandia
city: Dublin
collections:Piotrek Paweł
Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket abverse  
country: Irlandia
city: Dublin
collections: Paweł Arek
Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket abverse  
country: Irlandia
city: Dublin
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket abverse   [powrót do góry]
country: Irlandia
city: Dublin
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket abverse  
country: Irlandia
city: Dublin
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket abverse  
country: Irlandia
city: Dublin
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket abverse  
country: Irlandia
city: Dublin
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket abverse  
country: Irlandia
city: Dublin
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket abverse  
country: Irlandia
city: Dublin
collections:Piotrek Paweł
Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket abverse  
country: Irlandia
city: Dublin
collections:Piotrek Paweł
Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket abverse  
country: Irlandia
city: Dublin
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket abverse  
country: Irlandia
city: Dublin
collections:Piotrek Paweł
Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket abverse  
country: Irlandia
city: Dublin
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket abverse Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket reverse [powrót do góry]
country: Irlandia
city: Dublin
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket abverse  
country: Irlandia
city: Dublin
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket abverse  
country: Irlandia
city: Dublin
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket abverse Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket reverse
country: Irlandia
city: Dublin
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket abverse Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket reverse
country: Irlandia
city: Dublin
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket abverse Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket reverse
country: Irlandia
city: Dublin
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket abverse Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket reverse
country: Irlandia
city: Dublin
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket abverse Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket reverse
country: Irlandia
city: Dublin
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket abverse Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket reverse
country: Irlandia
city: Dublin
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket abverse Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket reverse
country: Irlandia
city: Dublin
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket abverse Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket reverse [powrót do góry]
country: Irlandia
city: Dublin
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket abverse Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket reverse
country: Irlandia
city: Dublin
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket abverse Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket reverse
country: Irlandia
city: Dublin
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket abverse Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket reverse
country: Irlandia
city: Dublin
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket abverse Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket reverse
country: Irlandia
city: Dublin
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket abverse Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket reverse
country: Irlandia
city: Dublin
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket abverse Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket reverse
country: Irlandia
city: Dublin
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket abverse  
country: Irlandia
city: Dublin
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket abverse  
country: Irlandia
city: Dublin
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket abverse  
country: Irlandia
city: Dublin
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Dublin (Irlandia) - ticket abverse   [powrót do góry]
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