Miasto w województwie śląskim, nad Olzą, graniczące z Czechami. Na przeciwnym brzegu rzeki, położona jest czeska część miasta zwana
Czeskim Cieszynem » W polskiej części znajdują się liczne wczesnośredniowieczne zabytki wzniesione w stylu romańskim. Miasto zamieszkane jest przez 35 tys. osób(2011).

źródło zdjęcia:

country: Polska
city: Cieszyn
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Cieszyn (Polska) - ticket abverse  
country: Polska
city: Cieszyn
collections:Piotrek Paweł
Communication of the city: Cieszyn (Polska) - ticket abverse  
country: Polska
city: Cieszyn
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Cieszyn (Polska) - ticket abverse  
country: Polska
city: Cieszyn
collections:Piotrek Paweł
Communication of the city: Cieszyn (Polska) - ticket abverse  
country: Polska
city: Cieszyn
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Cieszyn (Polska) - ticket abverse  
country: Polska
city: Cieszyn
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Cieszyn (Polska) - ticket abverse  
country: Polska
city: Cieszyn
collections:Piotrek Paweł Arek
Communication of the city: Cieszyn (Polska) - ticket abverse  
country: Polska
city: Cieszyn
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Cieszyn (Polska) - ticket abverse  
country: Polska
city: Cieszyn
collections: Paweł Arek
Communication of the city: Cieszyn (Polska) - ticket abverse  
country: Polska
city: Cieszyn
collections: Paweł Arek
Communication of the city: Cieszyn (Polska) - ticket abverse   [powrót do góry]
country: Polska
city: Cieszyn
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Cieszyn (Polska) - ticket abverse  
country: Polska
city: Cieszyn
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Cieszyn (Polska) - ticket abverse  
country: Polska
city: Cieszyn
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Cieszyn (Polska) - ticket abverse  
country: Polska
city: Cieszyn
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Cieszyn (Polska) - ticket abverse  
country: Polska
city: Cieszyn
remarks: karnet
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Cieszyn (Polska) - ticket abverse  
country: Polska
city: Cieszyn
remarks: karnet
collections:Piotrek Paweł
Communication of the city: Cieszyn (Polska) - ticket abverse  
country: Polska
city: Cieszyn
remarks: karnet
collections:Piotrek Paweł
Communication of the city: Cieszyn (Polska) - ticket abverse  
country: Polska
city: Cieszyn
remarks: karnet
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Cieszyn (Polska) - ticket abverse  
country: Polska
city: Cieszyn
remarks: kupon kontrolny karnetu
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Cieszyn (Polska) - ticket abverse  
country: Polska
city: Cieszyn
collections:Piotrek Paweł
Communication of the city: Cieszyn (Polska) - ticket abverse   [powrót do góry]
country: Polska
city: Cieszyn
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Cieszyn (Polska) - ticket abverse  
country: Polska
city: Cieszyn
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Cieszyn (Polska) - ticket abverse  
country: Polska
city: Cieszyn
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Cieszyn (Polska) - ticket abverse  
country: Polska
city: Cieszyn
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Cieszyn (Polska) - ticket abverse  
country: Polska
city: Cieszyn
collections:Piotrek Paweł
Communication of the city: Cieszyn (Polska) - ticket abverse  
country: Polska
city: Cieszyn
collections:Piotrek Paweł
Communication of the city: Cieszyn (Polska) - ticket abverse  
country: Polska
city: Cieszyn
collections:Piotrek Paweł Arek
Communication of the city: Cieszyn (Polska) - ticket abverse  
country: Polska
city: Cieszyn
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Cieszyn (Polska) - ticket abverse  
country: Polska
city: Cieszyn
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Cieszyn (Polska) - ticket abverse  
country: Polska
city: Cieszyn
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Cieszyn (Polska) - ticket abverse   [powrót do góry]
country: Polska
city: Cieszyn
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Cieszyn (Polska) - ticket abverse  
country: Polska
city: Cieszyn
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Cieszyn (Polska) - ticket abverse  
country: Polska
city: Cieszyn
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Cieszyn (Polska) - ticket abverse Communication of the city: Cieszyn (Polska) - ticket reverse
country: Polska
city: Cieszyn
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Cieszyn (Polska) - ticket abverse  
country: Polska
city: Cieszyn
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Cieszyn (Polska) - ticket abverse  
country: Polska
city: Cieszyn
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Cieszyn (Polska) - ticket abverse  
country: Polska
city: Cieszyn
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Cieszyn (Polska) - ticket abverse  
country: Polska
city: Cieszyn
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Cieszyn (Polska) - ticket abverse  
country: Polska
city: Cieszyn
collections: Paweł
Communication of the city: Cieszyn (Polska) - ticket abverse  
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