Miasto nad Morzem Bałtyckim, stolica województwa pomorskiego, jedno z głównych miast w Polsce zamieszkane przez 461 tys. ludzi (2011 r.). Symbolicznie Gdańsk uznawany jest za miejsce wybuchu II wojny światowej i upadku komunizmu w Europie Środkowej. Gdańsk był jednym z miast gospodarzy Euro 2012.

źródło zdjęcia:


Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse.


Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0karnet.png alt="karnet"><!--śmieszne ceny-->


Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse.

1997 - tysiąc lat Gdańska

Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <!--śmieszne ceny--> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse.


Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <!--śmieszne ceny--> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <!--śmieszne ceny--> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse.


Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse.


Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0karnet.png alt="karnet">


Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse.

2000 jednokolorowe

Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0karnet.png alt="karnet">


Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0karnet.png alt="karnet"> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0karnet.png alt="karnet">


Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0karnet.png alt="karnet">

2001 żuraw

Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0karnet.png alt="karnet">


Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0karnet.png alt="karnet">

2002 plaża

Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0karnet.png alt="karnet">

2002 muszelka

Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse.


Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0karnet.png alt="karnet">

2003 z motywem herbu

Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0karnet.png alt="karnet">

2003-2004 poziome

Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse.

2003-2004 pionowe

Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse.

2003-2004 pionowe z herbem

Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse.


Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. inny numerator,
pomarańczowy odcień,
brak fali pod herbem
<IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. inny numerator,
jasnożółty odcień
<IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0blad.png alt="błąd"> wyblakłe lwy
<IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana3.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0blad.png alt="błąd"> wyblakłe lwy Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0blad.png alt="błąd"> wyblakły czarny tusz
<IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0karnet.png alt="karnet">


Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. znak wodny: fala
<IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. znak wodny: ^^^
<IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0karnetkk.png alt="kupon kontrolny karnetu"> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0karnet.png alt="karnet"> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0karnet.png alt="karnet">

2005 zielone

Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0karnet.png alt="karnet">

2005 pomarańczowe

Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse.


Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0karnet.png alt="karnet">


Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana3.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0karnet.png alt="karnet"> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0karnet.png alt="karnet">


Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. czarny żuraw
<IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana3.png><IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. brązowy żuraw Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0karnet.png alt="karnet"> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0karnet.png alt="karnet">


Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse.


Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse.

2011-2013 UEFA Euro 2012

Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse.

2013 - 140 lat komunikacji tramwajowej

Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png>


Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse.

2014 - 150 lat komunikacji miejskiej

Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse.

2014 MŚ FIVB

Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Mistrzostwa Świata w siatkówce 2014
FIVB World Championship Poland 2014 Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Mistrzostwa Świata w siatkówce 2014
FIVB World Championship Poland 2014
<IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Mistrzostwa Świata w siatkówce 2014
FIVB World Championship Poland 2014
<IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Mistrzostwa Świata w siatkówce 2014
FIVB World Championship Poland 2014 Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Mistrzostwa Świata w siatkówce 2014
FIVB World Championship Poland 2014


Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0ekstrymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse.

2016 Mistrzostwa Europy w piłce ręcznej

Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png>

2015 - 10 lat ZTM

Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png>


Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. śmieszny nr seryjny Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. bardzo niski numer seryjny Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse.

2017 ME w siatkówce

Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse.


Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png>

2020 Finał Ligi Europy

Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png>


Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse.

2020 Finał Ligi Europy

Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse.


Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse.

2023-2024 150 lat tramwajów

Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0blad.png alt="błąd"> pomarańczowy odcień
(różnica na skanie mało widoczna)
<IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png>

z automatu

Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse.

Metropolitalny ZK Zatoki Gdańskiej

Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. bilet ulgowy dzienny na pojazdy ZTM Gdynia i SKM Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. bilet ulgowy dzienny na pojazdy ZTM Gdańsk i kolej Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. bilet ulgowy dzienny na pojazdy ZKM Gdynia i SKM Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse.  bilet ulgowy dzienny na pojazdy ZTM Gdańsk i kolej Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse.

Metropolitalny ZK Zatoki Gdańskiej [2]

Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_przebitka.png alt="przebitka"> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_przebitka.png alt="przebitka"> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_przebitka.png alt="przebitka"> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_przebitka.png alt="przebitka"> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_przebitka.png alt="przebitka"> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_przebitka.png alt="przebitka"> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_przebitka.png alt="przebitka">

Metropolitalny ZK Zatoki Gdańskiej [3]

Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse.


Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse.

Prom miejski

Communication of the city: Gdańsk (Polska) - ticket abverse. Bilet wyjątkowo dodany do zbioru jako
uzupełnienie form transportu w Gdańsku.
Od 1987 roku, prom na Motławie
kursuje pomiędzy Żurawiem Gdańskim, 
a Narodowym Muzeum Morskim na Wyspie Ołowiance.
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